

자주하는 질문

Q3. Why are you moving? Why did you quit your job?

Q4. Why do you want to work for this company?

Q5. What is your 5-year plan?

Q6. What could be your earning potential five years from now?(When an interviewer is Foreigner)

Q7. How do you define a “success”?

Q8. What do you do weekends?

Q9. Why do you think you can be successful in the position?

Q10. How do you make people accept your idea?

Q11. How would you be described by close friends?

Q12. How do you get along with your coworkers?

Q13. What do you consider to be your most successful achievement and why?

Q14. Do you work late at previous job? And cloud you work late?

Q15. What is your most intellectually challenging thing you have done?

Q16. What do you consider more valuable between salary and title?

Q17. What qualities are you looking for if you should hire someone for this position?

Q18. Pick a quality a good leader should have!

Q19. What have been your greet disapointments and how did you respond it?

Q20. What did you do for improving your English proficiency?

Q21. What types of situation really make you depressed?

Q22. What do you do when you know you are right and others don't agree with you?

Q23. Have you been a leader? What brought you to that position?

Q24. What kind of sports do you like? And why?

Q25. Are you in the process with other company?

Q26. What do you know about my company?

Q27. How long atre you going to work in this company?

Q28. Explain to me how could a leading company keep its market share as # 1? And how could #2 become #1?

Q29. What if your boss asks you to do an unacceptable order?

Q30. How do you work under pressure?
